ok, here's the last of the 4 orders in a weekend
This was when Masterchef was on TV and everybody was watching it.
Betty always ordered a cake for Pui's birthday every year - and asked if I have done a macaron tower before..
hmm... no.. but why not give it a try, I thought!
Where do you get a cone styrofoam big enough? Ones I found are only small ones, not enough for a macaron tower. So in this version, it's 3 various sizes of round styrofoam, stacked together, as if you're making a tier cake. ... Improvising ... (^___-)
So come the day to assemble the tower together. Came out the tooth picks... and the prayers... that they will stay on :P

*please, please stay on...
Let's just say... I applause the guys that had to do it in Masterchef in that amount of time. *bow bow...
Here's a final look ... with an Asahi 'liquid happiness' propped on top.
Why the Asahi you might asked? Well,... the birthday boy likes Asahi.
...hehehe... okay... let's just be honest.. I didn't have enough macarons...
Thats awsome I espcially like the beer on top haha
That is pretty cool. I like the different colors.
Honest is the best but hey beer helps all the macarons go down.
thanks all ;)
now that i've found the proper macaron tower foam and the right consistency for the macarons needed. life is much easier on the macaron tower
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